Franz Vohwinkel was born in 1964 in Munich, Germany. He studied graphic design in Darmstadt and got his diploma in 1991. In the same year, he also illustrated his very first game: "Drunter & Drüber" by Klaus Teuber. Since then, he did illustrations and graphic designs for over 200 games and it´s hard to imagine the german games scene without his work.
Since many years, Franz Vohwinkel also has always been a huge Science Fiction and Fantasy Fan. In 1996 he got the chance to do artwork for Magic - the gathering and the Battletech TCG as the first german artist ever. From this resulted the steadily growing part of Fantasy- and Science Fiction illustrations in Franz Vohwinkel´s work.
Among his personal highlights are the illustrations for the latest edition of the Classic Battletech Box Set, the first german TCG Behind and his work for Dungeons and Dragons. In the last years he illustrated cards for the Trading Card Games Warlord, Legends of the Five Rings, WarCry, Warhammer 40K, Horus Heresy, A Game of Thrones and a few book covers. Two of his illustrations for Classic Battletech were shown in Spectrum: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art.
With the Blue Moon card game, Franz Vohwinkel had the chance to connect both sides of his work, illustration/graphic design for games and fantasy artwork. Beyond that, he and his wife Imelda took on the challenge to create not only artwork for this game, but to do the art direction for it too. Together they worked with seven international renowned Illustrators and created one of germany´s most beautiful games ever.
In 2006 Franz Vohwinkel and his wife moved to Seattle.